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Buy Abortion Pill Pack Online


An abortion pill pack introduces end to unplanned pregnancies. Women can opt for this medical method to terminate pregnancy, if they are between 10 weeks pregnant. The kit includes two main medications, Mifepristone and Misoprostol to empty pregnancy parts from womb. The pack also has three types of medicines (blood coagulant, antiemetic, and anti-inflammatory) that suppress the side effects. There is no surgical participation or visitation to doctor required, if woman wishes to cease pregnancy using Abortion Pill Pack online.

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Tablets in Abortion Pill Pack

Online abortion pills kit contains 1 Mifepristone pill (200mg), 4 Misoprostol pills (200mcg each). These two tablets are chief in terminating pregnancy. Flexon – MR, Ethamsylate, Ondansetron or Zofran are the side effects managing medicines.

Dosage Practice

Mifepristone 200mg- take orally with water, with or without meal at beginning of pregnancy termination. After 24 to 48 hours, use Misoprostol 4 tablets (200mcg each) – place in the cheek pouches, ingested after 30 minutes when contents dissolve. Use other three medications (Ondansetron or Zofran, Flexon – MR, Ethamsylate) only to restrict side effects.

Abortion Pill Pack- Working

  • Mifepristone: Stops progesterone hormone from helping pregnancy parts grow, widens cervix, and dispels fetus from endometrial lining. Oxygen and nutrition cuts out to fetus. Pregnancy sections loosen. The uterus line holding unborn breaks, and bleeding and cramping may begin.
  • Misoprostol: This prostaglandin analogue medication leads to womb contractions. The pills assist expelling of pregnancy contents from uterus. These also accelerate mechanism of Mifepristone, making uterine contractions stronger. Misoprostol evicts fetal remains finally with heavy bleeding and blood clots from vagina.

Manage Side Effects

Mifepristone may cause nausea, vomiting, and mild stomach ache. Misoprostol can result in dizziness, headache, diarrhea, abdomen pain. Here are the other three medicines in abortion pill pack, which control the Mifepristone and Misoprostol side effects.

  • Ondansetron or Zofran: The medication ceases chemical action in body relating to causing nausea and vomiting. Take 4mg of this tablet to prohibit nausea and vomiting.
  • Flexon – MR: Abdomen pain or stomach discomfort because of uterine contractions can be eased with 250mg of Flexon-MR. Utilize this tablet in case of painful cramps.
  • Ethamsylate: Functioning as haemostatic mediator, Ethamsylate lessens the blood loss later to the end of pregnancy. It alleviates intense bleeding from the capillaries.

Storage of Abortion Pills

Keep the abortion pill pack in room temperature below 25 degree C. Prevent storing the medicine in wet or unhygienic area, away from heat, and direct sun-rays. Store the tablets in air-tight container, not accessible to non-users and kids.

Precautions to Take

  • No intake of alcohol, grapefruit juice, spicy & oily food, interacting drugs, or smoking.
  • Get enough rest, do not involve in operating machines, vehicles, physical work or sports.
  • Never use abortion pill pack, if allergic to any of the medication in it.
  • Avoid abortion pills if more than 10 weeks pregnant, ectopic pregnant, more than 35 years old, suffering from heart/kidney/liver/blood/adrenal gland problems.
  • Do not choose medical pregnancy termination, if facing diabetes, breathing troubles, hypertension, or uterine disorders.

Why Buy Abortion Pill Pack?

  • Pregnancy termination with medicines can be done at home.
  • 98 percent efficacy rate for medical abortion.
  • Lesser or no visits to doctor requires.
  • Cheap abortion pills available online.
  • Complete control, freedom, and privacy over the procedure.
  • Self-administration of tablets.


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